Circular Threads: Innovating Textile Recovery

Innovating textile recovery and advancing circular economy solutions for textile waste

Photo of Nehal Jain and Yesha Patel from After standing in front of a large pile of boxes of textile waste recovered from their collection service

Image Credit: Nehal Jain and Yesha Patel amongst the boxes of textile waste recovered from their collection service (Supplied by After)

Started in 2021 by Yesha Patel and Nehal Jain, After provides collection services to households and businesses to combat the 300,000 tonnes of textile waste disposed of in landfills each year in Australia. They offer a convenient, transparent recovery service for households and businesses, collecting unwearable and unsaleable textiles otherwise destined for landfill. By bridging the gap between textile waste producers and upcyclers/recyclers, they divert waste into recycling for new yarn and upcycling via designers, artists, schools, and brands.

As Innovators in Residence in the Fishermans Bend Circular Design Cluster, After will explore new opportunities to divert textile waste from landfill by experimenting and collaborating with local community partners.

After will set up and trial a micro-sorting facility where they can receive, sort and display the textiles collected via their service. Industry collaborators will be invited to visit and source material for creative projects from their “Upcycling Showroom”, and they will also host events to showcase creative collaborations using textiles from their collection.

This opportunity offers a platform for us to innovate and collaborate with a network of forward-thinking circular economy pioneers. By leveraging this dynamic environment, we aim to refine our processes, foster meaningful partnerships, and create impactful solutions that align with both our mission and the hub’s vision for sustainable growth.
— Yesha Patel and Nehal Jain, After

Project Lead

  • After

Project Partners

  • FB IDEAs

  • Gamuda Land Australia