Investing for Impact

Image Credit: Breakthrough Victoria

Earlier this week, in partnership with Breakthrough Victoria and Kite Magnetics we hosted a fascinating discussion about “Investing for Impact” and the opportunities for Fishermans Bend. 

Whilst the starting point for the discussion was around financial investment and the role that Breakthrough Victoria plays in supporting innovation in Victoria, the panel discussion highlighted the importance of applying an impact lens in every aspect of our work to amplify the benefits for all – whether you are individual, an investor, a startup, a university, a multinational organisation or a government agency. 

Sabina Curatolo, Senior Director of Impact at Breakthrough Victoria, talked about the 3 I’s that guide their approach (Investment, Internal and Influence), the tools and support they provide to BV portfolio companies and their role as leaders in the innovation and investment ecosystem. 

The panel also talked about collective impact – and the importance of collaboration and experimentation in setting the foundation for innovation. Jason Coonan, Breakthrough Victoria’s Director of Advanced Manufacturing, highlighted that the key to unlocking local collaboration is people, and in particular recognising that your biggest competitor is not your neighhour, and may not be in Victoria or Australia – but global.

It was also great to hear first-hand insights from Richard Parsons and learn about his journey as a Founder and CEO of Kite Magnetics.  He talked about his experience navigating the IP and licensing arrangements with Monash University, the benefits of being an active participant in a place-based ecosystem in Clayton, the process of identifying and commercialising the Aeroperm technology in the most high-impact sectors, and now working with Breakthrough Victoria to amplify their impact in all areas of their business – from their operations to recruitment to procurement.

Special thanks to Jason Coonan, Sabina Curatolo and Richard Parsons for sharing your insights with us – and to everyone that joined us for this lively discussion.  


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