Support the Bend’s future talent

Port Melbourne Secondary College – or Port for short – is nurturing the next generation of talent for Fishermans Bend, and beyond, and they are looking for local industry partners and mentors to support their programs.

With a focus on entrepreneurship, design thinking and real-world problem solving, their learning approach is designed to ensure that student learning is contextualised and made meaningful through connections to the world beyond school. They empower students to fearlessly ‘question everything’, to strive for excellence in all they do and to actively engage in experimentation as a pathway to discovery and achievement. 

In Years 7 & 8 all students participate in the SMaRT program, designed to introduce them to new and innovative creative technologies. Working in the college's dedicated robotics and fabrication labs, students explore digital media, 3D printing and design, robotics and manufacturing processes, building their knowledge, understanding and skills across a range of materials, processes and design practices.  Then in Year 9, students participate in The Incubator, an entrepreneurship program designed to turn their ideas into a startup business. 

Embedded in the fabric and future of Fishermans Bend as a thriving environment of innovation, wherever possible Port endeavours to draw upon the expertise from industry and community partners in the precinct to support students to learn through application, guided by their teachers and supported by experts. 

They are looking for:

  • Real-world industry or precinct problems they can try to solve throughout their programs

  • Volunteer Mentors, approximately 4 to 6 hours for one week per year, to provide targeted support to students (face to face and online)

The team at Port know that time is precious, so they have designed the programs to make industry contribution as easy and efficient as possible - and enjoyable! 

If you are interested to know more and explore opportunities for yourself, or your business, or to get involved, contact the principal, Anne Stout, via email anne.stout (at)


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