Pitch a Project

If you are interested in collaborating with FB IDEAs on a project please read the following information about our development process and selection criteria.

When you are ready, submit your proposal proposal via the button below. Submissions will be reviewed on an ongoing monthly basis. Once you submit we'll be in touch about next steps. For any questions, check out the FAQ Page or Contact Us.

Project Development Process

FB IDEAs develops projects through an ongoing refinement and development process rather than a Yes/No grant and application cycle. We aim to be a responsive and active partner capable of responding to opportunities quickly and developing momentum when the opportunity arises. FB IDEAs aims for a practical balance between efficiency and accountability. 

FB IDEAs Project Development is in three stages:

Identifying, Scoping and Brokering

FB IDEAs staff and stakeholders will be actively exploring and developing a pipeline of projects throughout the pilot. FB IDEAs will be working with potential projects to identify their needs and see if and how we can help make them happen.

Support may include:

  • FB IDEAs identifying potential partners, sites, and possibilities

  • Facilitating introductions and brokering connections with Fisherman Bend sites and potential partners

  • Project advice, problem solving and feedback

  • Developing more detailed proposals for more extensive support

    In some cases brokering a relationship, finding a site or contributing expertise this may be all that is required to deliver a successful project.

Small Projects & Development Support

FB IDEAs formally invests resources to develop a project or idea.

Support may include:

  • FB IDEAs investing proportionate time, organisational resources and money to further develop priority projects

  • Project Grants (under $25,000) to solve a problem, progress or deliver a project

  • In kind project assistance (such as FB IDEAs brokering a site, securing funding or assisting securing partners)

  • Securing specialist advice and support to assist with problem solved

  • Providing a venue

  • Developing a detailed proposal for full project funding

Development support may be part of developing a larger project for Project Funding or the full extent of FB IDEAs depending on the needs and viability of the project.

Project Funding

FB IDEAs commits to significant funding and support. Expectation of a fully realised finished project.

FB IDEAs can commit up to $100,000 and other in-kind support for the right project however our resources are limited and we can only support a relative small number of larger projects.

Project Assessment and Prioritisation

Fishermans Bend Context

FB IDEAs Project Grants and Development Investment will be prioritised via a competitive application process against the criteria below.

FB IDEAs is looking to support a diverse mix of projects, so it is not necessary that every project meets every criteria, particularly with projects that require lower levels of FB IDEAs contribution.

Projects are particularly encouraged that can demonstrate a connection to the future vision for Fishermans Bend and the key goals outlined in the Fishermans Bend Framework - in particular, making Fishermans Bend climate resilient, water sensitive, biodiverse, low carbon and low waste.

Projects are also encouraged that support the vision for the Fishermans Bend National Employment and Innovation Cluster (NEIC) and Innovation Precinct to be ‘an internationally renowned centre of innovation in advanced manufacturing, engineering and design’.

Assessment Criteria

Alignment with key FB IDEAs Goals

A project must address one or more of the key goals of FB IDEAs:

  • Promote a collaborative precinct culture in Fishermans Bend and deliver activations and events that contribute to network building

  • Explore opportunities to support startups, scaleups and creative industries in Fishermans Bend, particularly those in the advanced manufacturing, engineering and design sectors

  • Demonstrate and support ways of utilising existing buildings and sites while the precinct is in transition

Potential and Viability

  • The applicant must demonstrate the ability to deliver and/or develop the project

  • The project must be achievable within the resources and time available

Efficiency, Experimentation and Responsiveness

  • FB IDEAs embraces momentum and exists to make things happen quickly

  • FB IDEAs prioritises projects that produce outcomes sooner rather than later

  • Projects that embrace experimentation as part of their approach are strongly encouraged

  • Projects that make efficient use of underutilised resources and assets

Capacity to Seed, Evolve and Inform ongoing activities

  • The potential to inform/seed future developments in FB

  • The ability to bring new partners into the precinct

  • Testing tools, concepts or resources that may have long term value or inform future key initiatives

Partnerships and Collaboration

  • Collaboration is a key goal of FB IDEAs

  • Projects that bring new partners into the precinct or that connect existing precinct partners who have not worked together before are encouraged

Leveraging Resources

  • The extent to which FB IDEAs contribution attracts other cash and in-kind contribution and investment


  • FB IDEAs is committed to ensuring a diversity of participants

  • New projects should offer something different to existing projects and those in development

Profile, Participation and Demonstration Value

  • Projects are encouraged that directly engage the public and raise the profile of Fishermans Bend and FB IDEAs

  • Projects with the potential to showcase and highlight FB and FB IDEAs to new audiences

Innovation and Originality

  • Projects are encouraged that propose new ideas and solutions, bringing originality and innovation to the precinct

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Participation

  • Projects are encouraged from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants

  • Projects are encouraged that engage traditional knowledge, language and culture in a culturally appropriate way